Monday, January 23


Greetings readers :)

Going back to my SCHOOL ERA now, on 21st Jan 17,
My friend and I did something a little bit different (usia dah meningkat, kita pon tingkatkan lah minda pulekk), we usually hanging out for lunch / dinner / movies / shopping but i guess we just try out something more different now. We have decided to visit Petrosains @ Suria KLCC ! 

I didn't snap many photos in there, we are so busy "learning" about science. Ehem. Learning yeahh!

It's quite different now compared to my last visit on 2006 (?) i think ? 

Map & the ticket
*TIPS : Admission with MyKad is RM20 but if you have AEON / Jaya Jusco Card, you will get RM2 discount. 


Dinosaur & Ancient World

Ancient World

Bring your AEON / JJ Card to get RM 2 Discount 

The place is quite big and have a lot of location to visit. So better go there early ! 

My favourite place is Speed. Burn your fat there ! HAHAHA.
Molecule Café
For the Cafe, well. The food is quite good. I'm not THAT CEREWET. Donat BAPAKKK BESAQQQ.
Chocolate Doughnut with palm size is RM4.50. 

This place is suitable for someone who love SCIENCE, family with kids, friends, coupleeee (ehhh, bolehh paa hang bawa gf bf maii sini, study sama sama 😁😀)

I'm the person yang senang hilang fokus, memori pon tak panjang mana. Nak recap semuanya memang kelaut ! Sikit-sikit je naaa ceq ingat.

1. Dark Ride - Perjalanan Sekilas Masa : The ride is oval round shaped (comel). It will bring you to the entry point of Petrosains. For more, click here.

2. Energy - Introduction to Solar Energy, Ghost Nebula. - The best part is try this Jupiter's Great Red Spot. You need to enter this Hurricane tube to feels the wind when the Hurricane reach 126.9KM. Super duper cold / for Hijabist, do not wear loose Hijab. It's getting messy in there HAHAHA.

3. Space - Discover how astronauts live and work in space through delightful high-definition videos by the crew of the International Space Station, or ISS. *Scroll down for a short video from Chris*

4. Time Tunnel - I don't know what will happened when you enter this. It just a small bridge with a wide sky wall *is it?* . The instruction said to try whisper through the wall and people from the opposite can heard what are we whispered. But in the end, we look like a stupid girls try to talk with the wall because we can't even hear our voice LOL

5. Geotime Diorama - Dinosaur & Ancient World, mostly about plant, dinosaur, ancient air (try smell the ancient air). Aku pun tak sanggup nak hidu. Sakit hidung.

6. Science Station - Can't remember this one but i guess, introduction for oil? or.. visit there ! i lupa part ni.

7. SPARKZ - Build pyramid using the limited block. i failed. I managed to build only 1 pyramid. Haha. And try Earthquake Chair. Gegaqqqq semuaaa. Hahahaa

8. Galleria - Please visit there. This person cannot remember anything. Dah hilang focus.

9. Oil Platform - The simulator is not available now. Hmm. Hope that Petrosains can do the simulation again :( 

10. Speed - Great ! My favourite. You can build your own small car, uji kereta tu samaada laju or tak. Race lah dengan kawan hang. And there's a ski place*speed depends on your body position, makin hang rendah kan badan makin laju, silap2 hang boleh cangkung*. And ni part WANITA paling benci, timbang berat untuk buat hand cycling speed gituuu~ boleh terbakaq lengan hang.

11. CAFE!!

12. Flexhibits - Not so meriah in here. Just something that you can do some activities here. Can't remember.

13. Innovation Lab, Activity Area, Future Energy, Cybersafety - Here's the tips, come early guys. We went there like 3PM and 3 hours in there is not enough. So we missed this part. 

14. Dark Ride again :)

That's all for my beautiful Saturday :) 

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