Thursday, February 2

Favorite Skin Care : Mary Kay & Innisfree

Greetings Readers,

Happy Chinese New Year ! Late, huh? Everything from me is LATE :")

So, this time.. our topic is Mary Kay Products & Innisfree. My favorite products. I don't have any problem with my skin tapi kadang-kadang my skin a bit dry, oily. Hard to find the perfect product for my skin until my friend introduce Mary Kay to me. Quite good & suitable with my skin.

I'm not good at reviewing products, instead of review secara mendalam. I just roughly laa introduce this products and bagi sikit comment / experience :) chillex.

1. Green tea cleansing foam

A cleansing foam that retains skin moisture with the fresh Jeju green tea - RM32

Fresh green tea extracted from organically grown green tea leaves is rich in amino acids and minerals that moisturize and brighten skin that has become dehydrated from cleansing. [cr Innisfree]

It work really well as Makeup Remover too 😂 i don't wear any makeup remover so i use this cleansing foam as my Makeup Remover. Save money? YES :))) . Click here for more info Green Tea Cleansing Foam

Rate : 9/10
Note : Extra info for readers, acne problem can use BIJA [info by Promoter @ Innisfree Suria KLCC]

2. Botanical Effects® Moisturizing Lotion SPF 30 Sunscreen

12 hours of moisturization plus sun protection - RM65

The most recommended Moisturizer ! With SPF 30. OK. This product can help your skin from terdedah dengan sinaran matahari. There is nothing i can say about this product bcos it's really berbaloi. Moist ✓ Light✓ 

Ingredients : 

Antioxidant-packed dragon fruit extract

Aloe extract - The main reason why this product is good for your skin. Moist.

Click here for more info : Botanical Effects 

Rate : 9/10
Note : If you think 50ml is too small. NO NO NO. With the correct amount, produk ni boleh bertahan at least 2 months. 

3. Mary Kay® Foundation Primer Sunscreen SPF 15

Absorb oil and diffuse light to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and pores - RM 84

Fragrance-free, give your face a velvet/matte/canvas finish gituuu. Means, smooth and easy to apply foundation after that. But if you don't like heavy thing (natural) on your face, after apply primer just tap tap tap tap your face with powder. I've tried other primer before but this one work so very well. No more cakey. And long lasting too. 

It helps skin look smoother by helping reduce the visible signs of skin imperfections

Rate : 9/10
Note : Apply this primer, foundation (utk nampak lebih gorgeous gitu) & powder. Your face nampak flawless, and bila you sentuh. You can feels the smooth and velvet gitu. Velvet tu Baldu. Means memang gebu gebasss! 😉


I don't always spent my money dekat Skin Care sebab mostly Skin Care is quite expensive too. The reason i choose the above products is because of the multipurpose.

Save your money by buying :

Makeup remover + Cleansing - No need to buy 2 items. 
Moisturizer + Sunscreen / UV protection - No need to buy 2 items. 
Foundation + Primer - AGAIN. Save your money :))))

I'm not MASTER in MAKEUP because i always prefer simple makeup. Correct me if i'm wrong. It just my opinion and tips. 

Goodbye ! :)